Minister of Foreign Aairs and Human Mobility

His career path and academic training reflects a solid leadership profile and strategic influence capacity, stimulating synergies that allow great contributions in working groups, as well as in the development of innovative environmental projects that contribute to the sustainable growth of Ecuador.


Gustavo was the Minister of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, may 2021 to march 2023.

He has developed his professional career in different socio-environmental and agricultural companies, participating in consultancies in 2000 environmental projects. He has successfully led different executive positions in organizations such as: Founder and CEO of Soluciones Ambientales Totales S.A. SAMBITO, founder and president of International Environment Summit (CIMA), founder and president of Green Latin America Awards, Founder of Association Alumni of EARTH graduates, first graduate to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the EARTH University Foundation.

Former Chairman of the Board of Directors of CORPEI, Founder and President of Agrícola Industrial Tropical Ecuador and Colombia, Founding Partner of OLETNAT, a wastewater treatment plant, Promoter of Seginus, a non-profit corporation for the recycling of used tires, and Recoil, the first used lubricating oil management model in the country.

Founder of Felicidad, sustainable communication company based in Portugal and founder of CalifiK, whose mission is to help its customers do business responsibly by transferring best practices to their suppliers and other stakeholders. In 2012 he obtained first-ever Guinness World Records record adjudicated in Quito, Ecuador, for recycling, together with 93,000 students, 1’559,002 bottles in 6 days.

Finalist in 2018 of «The Catalyst» by Lux Awards and considered in 2020 one of the 100 most influential leaders in climate change in Latin America.

Designated by the World Economic Forum as Champion for Nature.